How to make a podcast media kit?

A press media kit will help you sell your podcast to Journalists & sponsors.

A podcast press kit if your elevator pitch to convince people to listen.

It’s in your benefit to make it easy for them to find and share the best information for your podcast.

If you are on the fence whether to create a media kit or not. You should give it a try. A podcast media kit can help to:

  • Find your perfect audience
  • Make it easy for editors to write about your podcast
  • Pitch your podcast to stand out from the crowd.

What should a press kit include?

To build a valuable pack, its important to include the right information in a simple to understand format. Follow this template in your kit;

  1. Short Introduction pitch your podcast
  2. A short overview of podcast history & creators.
  3. Facts List (updated every quarter)
  4. Podcast Art (Cover Art, Logos & Colours)
  5. Podcast Video Trailer & Clips
  6. Links to iTunes, Website, Google Play

What Facts to include in your podcast kit?

You should put any information that is relevant to your podcast, such data includes;

  • Release schedule.
  • Download Numbers / Listener & RSS stats
  • Podcast Category
  • Total episodes count
  • Milestones & Timeline
  • Notable Quotes from media
  • iTunes Rating
  • Key Guests / Cast, Hosts & Crew
  • Contact Information: Email Address
  • Last Updated Date

What Format should the press kit be?

You want to make it easy to share your podcast kit, as well as ensure it renders currently. We recommend either hosting the kit on your website or a zip folder with the assets and a PDF.

Best Media Kit Designs

The best-designed kits are simple and show off your podcast art and data in its best light. Put a focus on facts that make your podcast stand out. For example if you are on the 6000th episode you should highlight this!

How To make a media kit?

You do not need special tools to make the kit, you can add a new interactive page to your website, or create a PDF using tools like;

Podcast media kit samples

Take some inspiration from these digital media kits;




Once you have made your kit make sure to share it with your contact, link to it from your website & send it to industry experts. And let us know, so we can add to our sample list!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a media kit for podcast sponsorship?

No, you can get sponsorship without a Media Kit. However, It is highly recommended to have a Media Kit to show the best side of your podcasts to potential supporters.

Where do I put my press kit?

We recommend that you host your press kit on your Website, and use it as an early point of contact, to explain what your podcast is about. You can also include a link to your media kit in press releases and email signature.

How often should I update my media kit?

You should aim to update the fact in your kit whenever you hit a new milestone or a minimum of one per quarter.

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